PO Box 20046, Minneapolis, MN, 55420 | 952.881.9403 | michael@morrismoney.com

All prices in US Dollars.
TERMS: First time customers please send payment with your order. Credit cards are welcome. Cash and Dollar checks on US bank are ok. I will be glad to send you a pro forma invoice. All notes are guaranteed and can be returned within 21 days. Liability for mail losses is limited to U.S. Postal conventions
VISA/MASTERCARD: Send your account number, exp. Date and signature.
POSTBANK: 50607 Köln, – Euro only
KTO 2407 60 508; BLZ 370 100 50
IBAN: DE60 3701 0050 0240 7605 08 BIC/SWIFT: PBNKDEFF (Postbank Koeln)
Domestic: Please add $1.00 for orders under $20.
International: Regular Air Mail is $2.00: Registration is $16.00 + postage cost ..
Express Mail is $25 + (insurance is available at extra cost)
DISCOUNTS: Single sales of $100-$249 = 10% Discount $250+ = 15% discount.
Particular banknotes may have lesser discounts.